Slinger Area History Culture Project
"History is who we are and why we are the way we are."
~David McCullough
"If you don't know where you've come from, you don't know where you are." ~James Burk
"No place is a place until things that have happened in it are remembered in history, ballads, yarns, legends, or monuments."
~Wallace Stegner
"In all affairs, it is a healthy thing now and then to hang a question mark on the things you've long taken for granted." ~Bertrand Russell

Welcome to the Slinger Area History Culture Project website managed by the Slinger High School Social Studies department and built with the collaboration of various local teachers, community members, and students. The core research for this website was completed by Slinger High School sociology and history students. This website was established in 2013 and is intended to be a starting point for student research on the history and culture of the Slinger area which can be added to and changed over time.
MISSION OF SITE (Est. 2013): To provide a place for students and community members to share what they've researched regarding historical and cultural aspects of the Slinger area in a way that's accessible to the community. This research builds upon research by the Slinger and Allenton Advancement Associations, the Washington County Historical Society, the Slinger Area Music Booster Association, and local community members. While it will not initially capture every angle of every aspect of the Slinger School District, research will steadily move towards a comprehensive look at the way of life of the people in the area of the Slinger School District with each new story added. During the process of showcasing parts of the historical and cultural identity of the Slinger area, we hope students will not only learn more about the history and culture of the area, but gain important experience in collaboration, inquiry, observation, communication, documentation, writing, photography, art, and design that might help them in college, career, or as citizens. In addition, many long-time residents in the area as well as newer residents in the area may find out more about each other.
LAYOUT OF SITE: Click on the drop down menu "About" above to read some general community information and demographics. Click on the categories/pictures below to navigate the rest of the site. You'll see notes, pictures, documents, audio, video, and artwork related to historical and cultural topics. When you put your cursor on the picture, you will see that the categories below are Music, Sports and Recreation, Art, Gathering Spaces, Groups and Identities, Agriculture, Foodways, Manufacturing/Design, Schools, Other (Transportation, Buildings, War Time, etc). Please click on the hyperlinks when applicable as you will be directed to other website pages that extend upon the content. Some of the categories mirror those in the Slinger Advancement Association book, Slinger Historical Album: Schleisinger to Slinger: 125 Years (1869 to 1994) or the categories suggested by the Wisconsin Teachers of Local Culture regarding people, place, and time. Slinger was one of four school districts in the state selected for the Wisconsin Teachers of Local Culture's 2013-2014 "Bringing It Home" Project, which encourages students and teachers to work with community members on building awareness of local culture. Wisconsin Teachers of Local Culture's partners are the Wisconsin Arts Board, the Center for the Study of Upper Midwestern Cultures at UW-Madison, and the Chippewa Valley Museum in Eau Claire. Funding for the WTLC is provided by the National Endowment of the Arts and the State of Wisconsin.
Since the site's inception, students have added Manufacturing, Innovation, and Design (2015-2016), and Water, Transportation, and Working Lives (2016-2017). The Water, Transportation, and Working Lives theme received support from Educational Television Productions/NEW, Slinger High School and Student Council (US Cellular Pear Up Program), and the WI Humanities Council (who gets support from the State of Wisconsin and the National Endowment of the Arts). See those individual links below for more acknowledgement.
Please e-mail with original photos, photos of artifacts, historical or cultural information you'd like to add, story ideas for students, or questions for committee members. We hope to make local history and culture as accessible as possible while inspiring youth to learn about the community around them.
Click here for a quote from community member, Ken Leeson, about Slinger area attributes. Students felt it was one of the better ones capturing the lure of living in this area.
Note: Click on the pictures below to find web links to the data for each of the categories. Example: To find information on Sports and Recreation (Racing, Skiing, Hiking, Baseball, Basketball, Fistball, PBO and Community Support for Sports, etc) drag your cursor over the Racing picture below and you will see a link that will take you to a web page with all the Sports and Recreation topics. To find about Music, click on the Slinger Marching Band picture, etc.
Teaser for the short film by student, Marek Bartusek: Slinger - The Music Documentary (left).
For the full film please go to the bottom of the music Home page which can be found by clicking on the link on the band picture below or click on this link.
Short film by Eric Kuhn, great-grandson of Roland Heder, the original race track owner in Slinger (right). Eric was building off data analysis from first semester racing researchers: the idea that racing is a way of life for some families whether it be racing, owning a race track, or growing up around racing. While the race track is no longer in the family's hands, the memories of a life in racing remain strong.
To the left, you'll find the introductory video for the Slinger Area History Culture Night (2014) created by senior, Nick Egan.
"Why have we stayed in Slinger our whole lives? The people. We love the people."
-Dick and Marilyn Mayer, life-long Slinger residents, in an interview with Sam Neumann

Photo by Jessica Strupp

Photo by Dave and Leah Stadel

Photo by Jessica Strupp
Slinger History/Culture Night 2014 and 2015 Slide show on right. More on Credits/Community Night Page. 2014 Slide show photos by student, Jessica Strupp, and community member, Leah Stadel. 2015 Pics by Nancy Schilling-Genz, Jordan Zielinski, Hannah Moser, and Julia Blando
Jacob Storr's 2015 video above about Downtown Slinger Business Memories (featuring Gundrum's, Risse's, and Kachelmeier's)
Click here for the data from 2014-2015 school year (agriculture and food ways)
Click here for 2014-2015 Community Night intro video
Educational Television Productions/NEW video (2016): Slinger Students Connect with the Community

Photo submitted by Steve Erdmann

Photo submitted by Coreen Rogers, Richfield FD

Manufacturing, Innovation, and Design MBW in Slinger, WI

Slinger School District (past and present)

Photo by senior student, Morgan Thiel (2013), Town of Addison farm

Transportation, Gathering Spaces, Buildings, War Time, Miscellaneous, etc.
© 2013 by Slinger Area History/Culture Project Committee. Student, Ryan Mueller, Lead Designer. Proudly created with